Get paid faster with
eInvoicing software for recruitment agencies

eInvoicing is a new way to send and receive invoices directly via a dedicated secure global network. It means businesses can exchange invoices with no emails, PDFs or manual handling. Send accurate, secure invoices directly to your customers’ accounting software.

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Improved Cashflow

NZ Government agencies have adopted a target of paying 95% of all eInvoices within 10 business days.

Direct & Secure

eInvoices from Karmly are exchanged via the secure global Peppol network, protected by strict security protocols and encryption.

Greater Accuracy

The direct exchange of invoices between accounting systems means invoice processing isn’t delayed due to data entry errors or lost invoices.

Faster Payments | Karmly eInvoicing

Faster Payments

No manual handling of your invoices means no more errors. Invoices will get to the right place without getting lost or caught in spam filters, reducing delays in processing and payment of your invoices by your clients. This includes NZ Government agencies, who have committed to paying 95% of eInvoices within 10 days of receipt.

Better For Your Clients

Save your customers time and money. On average it costs a business $7.63 to process an eInvoice, compared to $23.01 for a pdf invoice. eInvoicing takes the admin out of paying bills, and reduces data entry for recipients.

Better For Your Clients | Karmly eInvoicing
Direct and Secure | Karmly eInvoicing

Direct and Secure

eInvoices minimise the risk of fake or compromised invoices, reduce the chance of paper or PDF invoices being intercepted, and they don’t get lost. Sender and receiver details are validated, audit logs kept, and strict protocols are followed to ensure invoices remain secure in the Peppol network.

Improved Visibility

Track the status of your eInvoices and when they've been received or if anything has gone wrong. Better visibility supports successful forecasting, planning and budgeting, and more accurate financial management.

Improved Visibility | Karmly eInvoicing
Direct and Secure | Karmly eInvoicing

Stay Ahead of the Curve

All New Zealand Central Government departments aim to migrate 90% of B2G invoices to eInvoices by July 2026. Australia has already mandated eInvoices for all Commonwealth agencies since July 2022 and is now investigating options for the B2B sector.

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