Smart Reminder Messaging

Chasing up overdue timesheets and approvals doesn’t need to take hours. View timesheet status at a glance and send bulk reminder emails from saved templates to keep things moving.

Smart Reminder Messaging | Karmly

Timesheet Status

See the status of every time entry created in Karmly.

Email Templates

Save templates with your branding and wording to send in different scenarios.

Bulk Reminders

Filter and select a group of people or schedule automated reminder messages.

Time Approval

Keep Approvals Moving

The faster your contractor timesheets are approved the faster you get paid. With Karmly you can see at a glance where every timesheet is in the approval process, including those which are yet to be submitted.

Let Karmly Do The Chasing

Schedule your reminder messages daily, weekly or monthly to chase up overdue timesheets and approvals. Choose the frequency of reminders and the time of day you want them to be sent and let Karmly automate the process of getting timesheets submitted and approved, ready for payroll and billing.

Custom Message Templates
Customise Time View

Filter With Ease

Powerful filter and search functionality lets you drill down to see the status of any timesheet entry so you can select groups of people to email.

Personalise Your Emails

Use placeholders to populate email templates and personalise the messages that you send to contractors and clients, even when they’re sent in bulk.

Peronalise Emails
Historical Messages

Keep Track of Messages

See every message sent from Karmly and whether it has been delivered, opened or clicked so you can easily manage queries from contractors and approving managers.

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